"Learn from yesterday, live for today, HOPE for tomorrow." ~Albert Einstein

Friday, August 10, 2012

New idea!! :)

Hey! I just got a good idea for this blog! Instead of it being a normal blog where I just say cool stuff I'm doing, I could do something along with those such as this:
     New movies you should definitely watch: ______________ (I'll insert a great new movie's title)
     New movies not to watch: ___________________ (I'll insert movies that aren't so great)
    Book/ series of the month: __________________ (I'll insert what the best book or series I read that month)
    Newest hit song: __________________ (i'll insert that months hit song, like this month and last month were both Call me maybe- Carly Jepson)
 I could even rate everything out of five stars! *****
   And, if you'd like, I can even post the newest celeb gossip!
  I can keep you all up to date on everything cool! :)
Please comment if you think that these are good ideas, and if you don't like them, please explain why not. If you have any more ideas, comment! Thanks!
p.s. Dont forget to mention my blog to as many people as possible... Thanks!
   XOXO Peace out <3
p.p.s Dont forget! this week's question is: If you could have any super power, what would it be?(:


  1. I think it's a super idea and I'm looking forward to seeing your recommendations! :-)

  2. I think that sounds like a good idea! Stay with it. I'd maybe even just pick ONE area to focus on...like movie reviews. That way...you could become the "expert" on that area. You could link to your review from your FB page or wherever...and more people would end up coming here, if even just to read a specific review on a movie. Then, once here...they might stick around when they see what other fun stuff you write about. I'd maybe just link for specific posts...and once they get here...they would see the rest. Whatcha think??

  3. Hmm...celeb gossip! That would be awesome and somethin I'd read everyday! Good luck on your awesome blog! Xoxooo

  4. Movies and ratings. Looking forward to see what you've got up soon! -Madison b.
