"Learn from yesterday, live for today, HOPE for tomorrow." ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Did you know?

Ten Batman "DID YOU KNOWs"
  1. Batman only met Hitler once.
  2. Robin was originally planned to appear in one issue, and then possibly disappear forever.
  3. Some of Batman’s biggest villains were originally more animalistic.
  4. Batman used to kill criminals all the time.
  5. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller got horrible reviews.
  6. A lot of key elements of the Bat-mythos weren’t introduced until the 1940s.
  7. The worst Batman costume ever sold was part of the carton of Batman (TM) chocolate milk.
  8. Gotham City was almost located in California.
  9. Barbara Gordon only became Batgirl because the television show demanded it.
  10. Batman fought Dr. Doom before the Fantastic Four ever did.


  1. Very interesting facts, Hope! I didn't even know most of that stuff and I used to be such a comic book nerd.

    And actually, the Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns was one of my favorites because it was so different from the Batman I was used to.

  2. Ermazing! I had no idea. I did a post about Batman not too long ago too - although I feel ashamed now for knowing so little. (http://freyamorris.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/flash-back-friday-is-back.html)

    I found your blog via Ellie's beta blog and was wondering if you'd be interested in reading my MG book (adventure/fantasy)? I can send you a short synopsis if you're interested! Just give me a shout at freyajmorris @ hotmail.co.uk

    Thanks Hope!
