"Learn from yesterday, live for today, HOPE for tomorrow." ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas is here and so is the end of the year!

Christmas is here, and so is the end of the year! This Christmas was probably the best one yet! I spent the usual 5-10 minutes waiting on the stairs for my mom to make the hot cocoa, get her camera, etc. But then when tore open my presents, I knew this Christmas would be different from the others. At my mom's house, I got a netbook and two Nintendo D.S. games. At my Dad's house,I got a Nintendo DSi, and two D.S. games. At my Mom's boyfriend's mother's house, I got a 20 questions game, and POKEMON SOUL SILVER for the D.S. The presents I just named are only the main presents I got. Believe me, I got more. Also, yesterday when I went to Ninjutsu, something very big happened. Since I didn't have a belt yet, the teacher's best assistant gave me HIS BELT! Receiving a belt from one of the teachers is a giant honor. He said I could keep it, too. The last awesome thing that happened on Christmas is, this year, my family in my dad's side waited for me, at the party my dad has every year. I don't get to see my family on that side very often, so that was very special to me! ~Hope
Question of the post: What was your favorite Christmas present?


  1. I'm so glad you had such a great Christmas sweetie! I really loved all the beautiful things you got for me as well. THANK YOU! As for picking my very favorite Christmas gift? That would be tough. I'd say my top two are the beautiful silver bracelet you got me, and my Nook!

    I love you to the moon and back again.
    <3 Mom

  2. Hi honey :)

    I'm really glad you had such an awesome Christmas, too! You deserve it!

    That is SO cool about your instructor giving you his belt. I think 'you've got some powerful forces on your side :)

    Now - my favorite present? It's always tough to decide because I love 'em all. I think though, even though it's not a present, the Pokemon card you made is just SO wonderful I'm going to go with that. You are a very talented artist :)

    See you later today! Love you!

