"Learn from yesterday, live for today, HOPE for tomorrow." ~Albert Einstein

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Science Test, and birthday..both very important.

 Hey! I just took a science test. I think I did pretty good, but I'm not sure if I got the 2nd essay correct. I hope I did well, considering this test is worth 80 points! Uh, nothing else is really going on except...what was it... oh yeah! My mom's birthday is tomorrow! Happy early birthday mom! I love you! That's pretty much it. 'Till next time..Bye!    ~Hope      Question of the week: If you could have any super power, what  would it be?


  1. Hey Hope! I had that same exact test today in my science class. It was pretty hard, wasn't it??? I think I might've gotten a B...ah well. That's not a bad grade. LOL Tell your mom I said Happy Early Birthday too!!! My superpower would be flying because I think it would be fun flying with the birds! Hahaha! See you tomorrow in school! L8R!!! ~Sierra Sheriff <3

  2. Thank you Hope!! Your early birthday wish made my day! =) <3 I'm sure you did SUPER on your test...so don't worry. You are the BEST daughter in the world. As for my super power? I think the ability to read minds. That would be cool. I love you!!!! Mom

    And thank you too Sierra for the birthday wishes. =)

  3. Super power .... hmmmmm .... since Im thinking about Avatar: The Last Airbender at the moment for some stupid reason, Im going to go with fire bending.

  4. Nice one Jake! I like Mom's and Sierra's ideas too. I'm sure you did fine on your test, Sierra!(:
