"Learn from yesterday, live for today, HOPE for tomorrow." ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Soccer and photos

Guess what? I don't know if I told all of you that I play soccer. Well I do, and I love it! On Sunday, we ( the Barracudas ) had our first game! We blasted the other team! My team had five points, while the opposing team didn't have any! We also then had cupcakes, since it was one of my teammates ( Jenna's ) birthday. They were super yummy! Also, I made it into photography club! I am soooooooooooooo excited, since not every one who signs up gets in. I wasn't really paying attention, but I hope that Jenna made it too! I just finished my sample article to try out for Newspaper. I hope I get in. Cya next time!

From Hopes & Dreams


  1. Congratulations on your soccer win AND making photo club! I just KNEW you were going to make it!!!! You're so talented and creative. You'll probably make newspaper club, too!!!!!! I'm hoping that I make it for art talent, yearbook, and student council.....I already handed in my yearbook portfolio, and I am already on the ballot for student council which voting is tomorrow (Friday). I started on my art portfolio.....but that's not due until next week. Well, wish me luck!!!!

    See you tomorrow!!!

    ~Sierra She.

  2. Hope,
    I am SOOOO proud of you! Congratulations on making the photography club. (But then, I really, really thought you would--you are very talented!) Congrats too, to you and your teammates on Sunday's win! I can't wait to see this week's game. Remember---NO FEAR!! =)

    You did a fantastic job on your submission for newspaper, I think you have a great shot of making it.

    I love you. Times a million. And then add an eternity more.


  3. Yayyyy! I knew that you'd make it into the photography club 'cause you've got mad photo skillz! ;-) Seriously, you are VERY talented at many things and like your Mom said, we are both VERY very proud of you and your accomplishments! I'm smiling so big right now :-)))

    I heard you are doing awesomely in all of your classes, too. Great job!!

    Hope you had a good day today and good luck w/ your game on Sunday!

    I love you!


  4. Hey Hope!

    I LOVE your blog! It's so awesome- you've done a great job making it a reflection of you. :]

    I can't wait to see more pics from photography club! I'll keep checking back for more posts. I hope you have a great game this week!

    Abby <3
