"Learn from yesterday, live for today, HOPE for tomorrow." ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I am trying out for the photography club at school, and I have to hand in a portfolio of FIVE pictures that I took.  So far, I found 10 I like. (more may be coming).  Which ones do you think are best? Pick your five favorite, and let me know which ones they are! (btw..you can click on the pictures after the slideshow plays to see them again.)


  1. Hey sweetpea! You are such a great photographer! I think my favorites out of these are:
    1. The ferris wheel
    2. The snowman
    3. The peacock
    4. The NY skyline
    5. The shark

    I'm so proud of all you do and accomplish!

    I love you to the moon and back.


  2. Photography club sound perfect for you!!!! And believe it or not, but my five favorite pics are EXACTLY the ones your mom wrote! Lol great minds think alike!!!! Hahaha ;)

    See you tomorrow!!!!

    ~Sierra She.

  3. You're right Sierra... Great minds do think alike! What clubs are you signing up for? I'm signing up for student council, newspaper, and of course photography! lol! ;) Oh... And show choir! Auditions are tomorrow, wish me luck! I was going to sign up for Math Club too..but that is only for 7th and 8th graders. =( Next year I will. I'll see you tomorrow!

  4. I'm signing up for band, student council, art talent, and yearbook. Good luck on your auditions! I'm sure you'll do great!!!! And if you don't make it (which is very unlikely), don't worry about it! It's THEIR loss!!!!!!! But if you do make it.....GREAT!!! Have a fun time either way!!!!!!!!!!

    I better get some sleep! I'm soooo tired!!!!!! Lol! See you tomorrow!!!!!!

    ~Sierra She.
